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  • Writer's pictureAlex Brito


Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Jesus said that Christians are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). However, if almost half of the population in London claims faith in Jesus, why is this place getting "darker"?

A lot of those who call themselves Christians in London are nominal, de-churched or consumer Christians. Let me unpack it.

Nominal Christians are those who claim faith with their mouths but not with their hearts. In simple terms, they are fake. The de-churched Christians are those who claim faith with their mouths, but their hearts have been hurt by the church. In other words, they love Christ but despise the church of Christ. Consumer Christians are those who claim faith with their mouths, but their hearts are too selfish to love others.

It is clear why many people claim faith in Jesus in London but don’t shine Him in the city. Their hearts have a second agenda. However, this dark reality can be changed with the gospel of Jesus and the people of Jesus.

Paul says, in Romans 1:16, that the gospel is the power for salvation. The gospel has the power to change us. The power to help us to become more like Christ. To use an analogy, the gospel is like a flame which burns from inside of us in a such powerful way that can be seen from outside of us. That is how people can shine Christ in London. Through the powerful and life-changing gospel of Christ.

However, in Romans 10:14, Paul asks, "How are they to hear [the gospel] without someone preaching?" Paul is basically saying that unless we share the gospel, people will continue in darkness. People won't shine Christ unless their hearts are also burning with the gospel of Christ. So, we must proclaim it so that others can hear it and be changed by it. That's the reason why we are here on Earth, right? We're here to get to know Jesus in order to become more like him.

Let me conclude with three suggestions for Christians with the flame of the gospel burning in their hearts.

(1) Share the gospel with nominal Christians so they can truly believe in Jesus.

(2) Share the gospel with de-churched Christians so they can have their wounds healed.

(3) Share the gospel with consumer Christians so they can have their selfishness challenged.

By doing these three things, we might not see a tremendous spiritual change in London, but surely we will be shining the light of Christ in this dark city and helping others to do the same.

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